EM.TRANS / SNART.ME Public Access Machine

You have reached SNART.ME, Davo's public server. The server hosts services that are otherwise hosted by various tech giants such as Google, Microsoft and Apple. The server is Davo's attempt to become less dependent on such services and gain control over personal data.

Postfix + Dovecot: email
PALHM: system backup and update
VCS front: cgit
Amazon Web Services:backing cloud computing service provider

I've had several homelab style servers in the past all of which perished with the passing of time. As my skills, identity and personality have matured, snart.me is here to stay. I intend to use Snart.me strictly for personal use only.

Hire Me


The story behind the name

I wanted something short for my domain and "snart" is what I came up with. "Snart" means quick or quickly in Danish/Norwegian/Swedish. At the time, I only bought the domain to host my own url shortener as all the free url shortener services were shutting down. Unfortunately, as it turns out, it means something else in English. Well, this is how the English language sneaks up on me. Some people know what the word means and have a good laugh every now and then which I think is a good thing.

I was driving in Perth when a semi-trailer stopped behind me at a traffic light. The number plate of the truck contained the word "trans" to denote the fact that the truck is a property of a transport company. In my rear view mirror, the read as "snart". That's when it struck me: I could use this version of explanation in a formal settings. So, here you go. "EM.TRANS" is the LSB representation of "SNART.ME". Funny that the string can fit into a uint64_t!

The Company

For tax and branding purposes, I run commercially viable operations as a sole trader, Si-magic.


I'm still taking baby steps to become digitally self-sufficient. The progress will be reported elsewhere.

Google Keep: TBA Webdav Implementation (Joplin?)
Google Contacts: TBA Carddav Implementation (NextCloud?)
Google Calendar: TBA Caldav Implementation (NextCloud?)
Google Drive: TBA (Nextcloud?)
URL shortener: TBA (might make my own)


AuthorDavid Timber <dxdt@dev.snart.me>
Copyright(c)2022-2025 David Timber


Absolutely no cookie is used for the website and this page. No data is being collected.


2022-11DavidInitial version
2023-12DavidFriendlier wording, some update